Finished Project: Last Chica Verde Dress! Late 50's Inspired

I won this fabric from J and O fabrics retro contest! Well, I bought it with the gift card I won. I had my eye on it for some time. Cute, no? All those glamour girls! The color is lime green for the background.

The pattern I used is like this one:
I am too lazy to take a picture of the actual pattern, but you get the idea. It's a scoop neck with scallops. The sleeves are also scalloped. I am having scalloped potatoes for dinner RIGHT now. Is that weird...who knows...but it IS yummy irony.

Dress Details:
Material: Cotton, about 7 yards
Closure: Side zip
Fit: fitted bodice and full skirt with scallop neck and sleeve, kimono sleeve
Sewing Time: about 20 hours of work including pattern drafts, and tests

taaaadaaaaa! SMUG FACTORY, no?

of course you can do an interview....
I make these photo ladies LOOK good

I was contemplating doing a quick video on my you tube channel with tips for doing these scallops. I wore this for Thanksgiving and my mum was going LOCA for mi vestido nuevo. She thought it was so hard to sew. Well, it maybe was a pain in the ass, but I actually enjoyed it! haha! 

This is also, for you extra good notice-ers out there, a kimono sleeve (aka not a set in sleeve) pattern. This was no small task for me to do! I have big ham-hock arms. I say that lovingly. No, really I do. They just don't fit in RTW clothes so well. So I had to make 1 or 2 tests before I got the size right. Worth it right> Now I made a kimono sleeve sloper that I can expand my designs with! 

I have at LEAST two more vestidos to show this month! Stay tuned!

Note: I want to give kisses to all my amiguitos who regularly comment here on blogger, and my subscribers on you tube! You guys and how great you all are: you are the reasons why I continue to post here every month! I love all the stories of inspiration, and frustration, and humor that you all send me! I am just another sewing nerd without the love of my readers, so......te amo!


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