Finished Project: The Pat O Rama 50s Yoked-Sundress

It's done! The previous post with some pattern-talk is here.
There is no point in curling your puta hair in the summertime in Virginia. Complete flop everytime by noon.
My staple look has been wilted curls with matching handmade flower clips on either side.
The fabric is a light stretch poplin from Jo Ann Fabrics Store in VA.
Beads are my mother's shell necklaces.
I get loads of nice comments on it. I think I will make more. I made one with scraps of the AH Asian Print fabric too and I love it so much. I should post a pic of that one...this has been the summer of the sundress. Stay tuned, I have another one to post shortly.

The top of the bodice was very tricky to draft from the sloper. I think that took most of the time. The construction was easy because I skipped doing facings and instead did a full bodice lining. I think that goes faster than facings. The front button is a working button.



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