Psycho Sue isn't so psycho anymore, what happened there?

I don't really identify with "Psycho Sue" anymore.

I am in the process of emerging from a cocoon I guess.

I don't have a name yet.

You can just call me Suzanne.

I have been focusing on developing my spirituality since October and I have not been feeling much like blogging. It's kinda hard to talk about sewing when you are preoccupied with enlightenment. LOL I wish I could explain it but I can't. I have just been pulled into this direction looking for inner peace and wisdom. I have been growing as a person and started doing daily meditations for lots of reasons. I guess I have become a Christian Mystic. I know, that doesn't make sense. But I never made sense anyway. But that's another story. In short, I kind of realized how much negative energy was in my life, and I wanted to remove it all. It included shuffling positions at work, leaving a project I had devoted 7 years to....among other things. I am feeling good now!

I still have been reading comments (thank you!) and I have enjoyed all the new readers from my YouTube Channel.

What does this mean for the blog?
Well not much. I am still sewing. I still love it.
I'm still a Proud Fat woman, and I still wear what I feel like instead of what might be considered current trends.
I still sew vintage and wear vintage items.
I realized that my attraction to prints has changed. I am now more gravitating towards lighter, more whimsical prints rather than the traditional skulls and gothic prints that I have made so many things with in the past. I especially am attracted to anything with Angels. Many wonderful things have happened in my life and the sewing part got pushed more to background lately. I do have new dresses and I made my husband 3 shirts for Christmas.

What's Next?
I decided that I am going to do a nice post about this new pattern I am working with. It's beautiful and it's the most complicated alteration that I have had to do thus far. I am sure you will like it. I might even feel like doing a video, we shall see.

Wishing you all happiness, joy, and love in 2013 and I hope all your dreams are fullfilled, darlings.


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