Quick bodice facings!

I am making this dress today. 
It has a square neckline and is sleeveless, so it needs facings. 

You can Create your own facings from the pattern piece. Here are some photos on how I do this using this bodice. Easy!
Cut out the arm and neck exactly as in the pattern.
How far down to make the facings... My rule if thumb is stop above the bust line. This one is about 3 inches below the neckline. Draw an arc to the mid shoulder  line. This one could go a little lower because you can see after it's stitched and turned it will be narrow right at the corner. 
Then draw another arc down to about 3 inches below the arm seam. You can play with the arc shape. 
Here is the cut out front bodice one piece facing that will finish both the neck and the arm holes. 
Here is the back facing. The arc shape is up to you. This saves making an entire lining. 
Happy Sewing!


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