Sewing Tasks that I Want to Punch in the Face (My Top 10 Most Hated Sewing Tasks)

My last project was a fall cape. I realized that while tryin to motivate myself to sew that stupid thing that there are some things in sewing that I COULD DO WITHOUT. I am going to outline these things and share in no particular order; here they are:

1. LININGS! They suck. I never get them right. I tried a trick I read last time and curved it around the dress form and trimmed the excess off, The logic being that it sits closer to your body and there fore it is "smaller" than the outer piece. I did this with the cape. I think it worked better than I have  done in the past (less pouching out and sagging), although it created a lining that was shorter in an uneven way than the outter part. It was a circle, so it was shorter at certain parts of the circle. Anyway, I just HATE linings.

2. HEMMING. It's just BORING.  Ussually done when I am too excited about wearting the damn thing to be bothered with a tedious hemming task. This is why I hate sewing curtains. It's 500 miles of hemming....

3. PATTERN MATCHING. The word makes me shiver. It's very wasteful. I spent $11 a yard and I don't want to waste! I save my scraps, but I can show you how many things I make from scraps a year in one hand. Also, matching can slow you WAY down.

4. BUTTONHOLES. I get all sorts of anxiety about my machine buggering up the button hole- and believe me, it's happened. One time it happened 3 times on the same button hole. I should have just walked away.... I swear I selected the Asshole Stitch and not the Buttonstitch. =-/

5. IRONING ON INTERFACING. It seems stupid even saying it; but it's an extra step that takes 15 minutes, LOL. I use it on collars mostly.

6. UNDERSTITCHING. I don't always do it. But when I do, it's always a pain in the ass because screwing this up makes your garment lay like ass. And you always run into a corner....

7. HAND PICKING DOWN FACINGS. This should maybe be higher on my poo list LOL.  With every poke to the finger with the sewing needle I become more irate. I know that 10 washes later it's going to start coming undone and it will need redone. I am a hater of tailoring or anything that involves tons of handstitch. I am a woman of the machine age. No doubt.

8. BIAS TAPE. There is ALWAYS a train wreck when sewing these. Worst part about it is that you can't sucessfully fix them. You are always going to the see it on the ouside. A big ugly backstitch....blech.

9. TRIMING SEAM ALLOWANCES. How many times have I cut right into the front of a blouse or skirt doing this??? HATE that! I wanted to buy the foot that trims for you while you sew, but a sewing machine store person told me that none of them actually are any good.

10. LINING UP FABRIC GRAIN. God, this is horrbile. You know I can waste 30 minutes trying to line up grains. All the pulling, stretching, smoothing, crying, screaming, wondering why you were put on this Earth, yadda yadda, yadda. It's torture.



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