"The only way to fit a long garment is if the model is thin and tall"

That is the biggest load of bullshit I ever heard. What the fuck is wrong with people who REFUSE To learn how to sew in a NORMAL size? The whiney ass punk on this season's project runway made a woman cry because she was not dressform size and repeatedly pointed out that he couldn't do his best work for her because of her size and the accesories were too small. He just couldn't sew for her! And he wouldn't shutup about it either!

Here is an explaination I read as to why clothes are still "drafted" in size zero, while the magazines and the rest of the clothing market are trending towards non-runway models:

"People that pick up magazines are consumers. They want to see people that relate to them, which will make the consumer more eager to buy products. But designers are showing their garments to the majority crowd who are mostly retailers. The collections are also considered drafts, and those drafts are fitted to a mannequin that is size 0 or 2 dress size,” explained Krystle Kelley, former model turned president of the California-based Desert Models Agency. “The other concern of the designer is for the garments to flow as well as be mesmerizing on the catwalk and the way to accomplish that is for the dress, pants, gown etc. to be long. The only way to fit a long garment is with a model who is thin and tall.”
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2012/09/05/pills-injections-and-plastic-suits-dangerous-extremes-models-go-to-to-walk/#ixzz25d3alKyO
I am living proof that gartments can be drafted and created from scratch to a body with curves! This makes me so sad and so angry to read!
I work with material,and I can tell you honey, silk flows just as beautifully on a FULL FIGURE as it does on a STICK FIGURE. That's such a shit excuse!
The real reason that these designers use stick figures?
They were not taught!!!
The reason these models are torturing themselves is because of your plain old lack of real education in the fashion industry!


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