My Method for Alteration to remove chest baggyness

1. Trace your pattern. This example shows a bodice where the sleeves are part of instead of sewn on.
2. Extend your waist dart to the bust point. Original waist dart is in blue. Extension is in green.
3. Draw a line from mid shoulder to bust dart.
4. Cut out the waist dart and remove it. It looks like a piece of pie.
5. Slash all the way down your new line from bust point to shoulder.
6. Overlap the chest as much as you want. If you can pinch an inch on your test pattern, then take 1 inch overlap.
7. Tape overlap in place.
8. True up your shoulder line so it's straight.
Now you have a bigger waist dart that will suck in that extra fabric that was messing up your pretty bust line!


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