Word Verification- Just Say "Hell No"

Our lives are complicated. They are full of passwords, and security forms, and the awful, EVIL "CAPTCHA"
I used to leave lovely comments of encouragement all over the webs! But now, years of comment captcha verifications to "prove I'm not a robot" (WTF like anyone couild ever doubt that fact!) have taken their toll and I STOPPED commenting your beautiful dresses, baby socks, vintage treasures, and the like....

This is my plea to ask you you to join me in ridding the world of the EVIL CAPTCHA!

Go to your profile settings and remove word verifications! You can leave comment approval on, just help a sista out here.

Years from now, on the radio, I will hear that the average person spends 3 hours a year filling out CAPTCHAS....and there will be much sadness.

I know a lot more than a few other bloggers are in the same camp- you will have wonderful, creative, well fashioned CAPTCHA Anarchists on your side

Thanks for Reading and Commenting here, and I appreciate all the personal emails I receive also!

Blogger is great because it's fun, informative, and INTERACTIVE, let's try and keep it this way!

ps- if you like vintage cars, food, and music check out this blog


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