Why it bothers me when you call me "rockabilly" or "pinup"

So in the world of massive problems this is like the smallest nit picky thing, but often when people meet me for the first time they say things like "Oh you are a Rockabilly Chick!" and "Oh you look like a pinup girl!" and actually believe it or not "Oh you are a pinup model!" and a even smaller younger set of people have told me that I am "psychobilly."  (Which I must admit would fit most of what I wear and like)

These labels bother me.

I know, I know they don't mean anything by it..... Which is why I don't make a big deal, but I wanted to point something out....

Why? Why does it matter what people say?

Mostly because it implies that I dress the way I do in order to fit in or be part of a particular group- that you label as Rockabilly or Pinup.

That IS NOT why I dress in 40s and 50s dresses and style my hair with pin curls.

I hate that people always want to label. And even worse, they want to TELL me what my label is.

I look the way I do because it's a personal expression of the things that *I* find personally pleasing to wear. Basically it's the same reason I have tattoos. I like them. Nobody else has my tattoos, they are mine and it's my expression. I didn't get inked so I can fit into a "tattoo club" or whatever you would call it. Clothes are no different (except in the one element that they are legally necessary).

Modes of dress have long been a way to "identify" people and place them in particular groups. For whatever psychological reasons us humans have, we tend to do this naturally. I personally think it's part of the herding instinct.

But next time you find yourself grouping people by dress, maybe you should think twice. For some, but not all people, dressing is a way to individualize themselves. Yet in our minds we are doing the opposite and  "group-izing them."

Compliment me on my dress or my hair, I love it! Just don't catagorize me!

What are your thoughts?


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