January is Not One of My Best Months

Have you noticed that I have been missing? It's all January's fault. It comes around every year and sucks the life out of me. Sure, it's the month of my birthday.....but getting older doesn't help matters. Truth is, regardless of what state my life is in, January is always an emotional mess.

I have had some "obstacles" (aka assholes) to overcome in the last 2 months. I am trying to not let that get me down. The sweet La Dama has been helping me (from Vintage Passions Like Mine- blog).

It seems to me that "truth" and "reality" are two ships passing in the night.

I have been very busy into my music projects. I did a solo show at the beginning of the month. I could post some videos of  that....

I started a new rock band, in addition to Backseat Betties, learning some new songs for that. And I am going to be guest guitartist/vocalist with another local band in March and April. Still have new songs to learn for that venture.

But I do have 4 new dresses to post this month. Just be patient with me...I will come around again...just like Springtime.

I have a vintage repro butterick dress, and 3 dresses that were made from the same vintage 40s ADVANCE pattern. All of them are quite unique and distinctly "psycho sue." Which would you like to see first?


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