Finished Project: The McCalls Girl Dress

 Still my favorite Advance Pattern, this time sans collar.
The fabric I bought at Joanne Fabrics. I am sure it was meant for curtains. LOL 
Who cares. I rock this shit.
Fabric is actually made by McCall's! It is the pattern envelope drawings from the 50s little girls dress designs. I screamed when I saw it in the store. There was no stopping me from buying it!
 I used the same color block design that I devised last time. It really makes it "pop."

 I worked damn hard to keep the center front and center back seam from being seen. There are some half-girls in there, but any way I cut it, someone was going to get Dahmer'd so this is as good as it gets.

For my birthday I got a facial at a local salon. The lady told me I have nice skin, but she pointed out that I have rosacea! ROSACEA!!! WTF!!! Well, that makes sense because I am always getting red and irritated cheeks. I had to completely change my entire skin care regime. I was using walnut scrubs for God's sakes, she pointed out that those are way too harsh. If I am under stress my face actually swells and stings. My skin has good days and bad/red days, but it has NEVER been perfect Eff perfect anyways. Ok back to fabric:

 In the close up you can see that behind the girls are the line drawings of the vestidos. I LOVE IT!


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