Finished Project: Have You Seen This Dress Somewhere Before?

 Yep, the material is the same as my last project. I can safely say that I have two one of a kind dresses for a total of $40 handmade! I only have a few scraps of this left. The first dress is 40s era. This second dress is 50s era. If you watched my last video on my youtube channel, this is the pattern that I showed you how I adapted the collar. This Advance Pattern has a beautiful double collar. It's just the cutest.'s at least a CUTE pain in my ass to sew. LOL
 The skirt portion is my sloper. The amount of material I had left from the last dress was not enough to make a full skirt. So I used the fitted skirt sloper. It shows off my curves.
 The little calf leather box purse I found at a local vintage shop. I love it!
 Round booty doin it's duty!
Ok so this pattern originally has these cute upturned contrast cuffs. I made them and hated them. They just do NOT look good on me. I love how cute they are, but because my upper arms are bigger, the cuff just pulls the eyes away from all the other attractive things I have going on. So I omitted them. One thing about sewing/garment making is EDITING. NEVER feel obligated to make a pattern EXACTLY like it is designed. Edit it so it fits your body and best shows off LOL
 Bodice has 4 buttons to close it and I liked BIG buttons. I did something different and I used organza as an interfacing. Not really impressed. Not enough starch for that big collar. I made another version already and used light iron on facings with better results.
I find that my hair is quite unruly and I get Medusa head about 5 minutes after I take the hot rollers out. Who cares. I am a hot mess and I make it work!
I don't know what it is, but for some reason this dress "gives me 30s" instead of 50s. Maybe it's the pattern. But I can totally see this being a 30s dress.


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