Finished Project: What every Good Goth 50s Girl Wears!

 Muhahaha! This is actually a wearable muslin! All the fabric was sitting in my sewing room!
 The pattern (another borrowed from Raven) is not dated but it feels like early 50s to moi. Well if I was an honest gal I would tell you that is actually my sloper with the 50s pattern's collar tacked on...but shhshshsh we won't talk about that little secret.
 Waiting for my limo to take me to the gig...where ARE all my  limos? Oh yeah they got repossessed...
 What a pity...I shall instead dazzle you with the stunning back collar. Tray Sexy.
 Of course it's just a "quilting cotton." Pooh and shame on those that look down upon quilting cottons as clothing!
 Girly Skulls in Grey!
Rockstar Shots!
I wore Glitter Eyelashes and they kept me thinking that lights were following moi around all night LOL
can you see the lashes?
I have already made another of this pattern, I will be posting it soon my loves.



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