Handmade Clothes are My Skin

I tried. What? I tried wearing RTW clothes this weekend. I have not worn RTW clothes (on the left side of my closet) since winter!!

And yes, my closet is segragated...RTW on the left side and Handmade on the right.

Everyday I wear clothes that I made personally and it feels great. I have so many intresets and moods and images that I am in love with....and they are all there on the right side of my closet!

Every DAY I am able to express my feeling dujor! And babies, I JUST CANNOT GO BACK to all RTW clothes. I tell you- IT does NOT feel right! It feels like I crawled into someone else's skin! Which is ok for a Rob Zombie movie; but not ok for moi!
How has sewing made you feel about wearing off the rack clothes? Or maybe if you do not sew; you can realate to wearing mostly vintage or non-mainstream clothing designs, perhaps??


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