Wearable Muslin: The Adorable Complicated 50s Dress!

In my previous post, I bitched a tad about the fit on this dress. I still am working out how I can add 3.5 inches to the sleeves on this crazy pattern.

The pattern I am borrowing from the lovely Raven (a collector and seamstress). It's a 50 bust! I set it on top of my sloper and just saw I just needed to add a bit to the side seams to make this fit! I also had to drop the waist an inch. I did a small amount of slash and spread on the sleeves, but really cant get enough width because of the design.

number 2 there is the front and back yoke and sleeves in one piece

Here is a wearable muslin on the bodice. The skirt portion is from another dress I made. I just cut it off that dress and sewed it to this bodice.
It's windy, the dress actually lays nicer than this. I wore it to work!
Everything on the bodice fits quite well except the arms. Too tight. To fix this in the muslin I created slits in the sleeves to allow for my arms to move. I want to fix this a better way before I make the dress officially.
This is my ghetto arm fix.
You can see exactly where it hangs up on my bicep
here is the original pattern, I cut it to make short sleeves
this is my modified sleeve pattern, the neck is untouched. I did slash and spread on the sleeve bottoms to add width, but it's not enough...
This is actually the 3.5 inches I need in my sleeves for comfort.

I typically modify all my sleeves using this method. It works perfect every time. I need a 21 or 22 inch measurement for upper arm. Most patterns come with about 19 inches. You can imagine that you can't do that here because that would spread the entire yoke. I just need room in the bicep area.

So the last pic gave me an idea. If you can tell, I just cut right through the shoulder dart and spread. I think I can just go back and draw the dart back in with the same center and end points, and that will make my neck stay the same. The dart will be bigger and take up all the extra fabric I added to the shoulder, and leave it in the sleeves.

What do you think?



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