Psycho Sue Reveals Her Seedy Past: and an Inspiring Poem by Sarah

-Marilyn Monroe

As well as being a musician, artist, and seamstress, I am a person who fights for equality, kindness, understanding, and acceptance.

Close to my heart is the fight for people to accept their bodies for what they are, so they can find inner peace and live a happier life. As readers and friends, you can see that I have confidence, sex appeal, and I enjoy showing off who and what I am by making myself the most amazing dresses and performing on stage.

-Because I have struggled with bullies in the past and have overcome it.
-Because I have starved my body to extremes, made my self throw up in public alleyways behind restaurants, exercised so much that I have permanently damaged parts of my body,  told myself that I was ugly and no one could ever love me
-Because I felt like the lowest of the low, no matter what I wore
-Because i have seen other little girls who should be happy and glowing; sink into a depression and shrink back from the world who labels them as rejects. 
I grew up in a world BEFORE Glee, or Mike and Molly,  or public excoriation of bullies. If there was  support of this type back when I was a teen, maybe I would not have taken 20 years to accept myself!
Imagine where i could have been by now....

This is a poem written by my Friend Sarah at Not Blue At All

It's written from the point of view of a person who has had enough of being put down, degraded for their body weight. This person has decided to live a healthy life, but to stop trying to conform to the pressure that is put on EVERYONE to be the idea weight and activity level. This person is fighting the hatred.
Draw strength from these words, my readers, and make your own rules and happiness!
-Love, Psycho Sue

To live today is to live in a world that wants to diminish us.
To be pressed upon, constantly, to be less than, to live in distrust.
They do it with pharmaceuticals, they do it with supplements and powders and promises.
They do it with bars and shakes and crisps and keep us as your hostages.
Fat free, caffeine free, sugar free, nutrient free fantasies of tasteful humanity.
They poke and they prod us with lies and disgust.
They bind and staple and nip and tuck.
They rob our youth of hopes and dreams and possibilities.
They rob our middle age of self assurance and deny our capabilities.
Longing becomes the norm. Hate becomes reborn.
They control us with guilt. Stitching our flesh into your demoralizing quilt.
“Shame on You…” for being so fat?
“Shame on You…” for being healthy, too?
“How dare you not do as we tell you to do!”
We are not to be diminished, contorted, controlled or prescribed.
We are done with your idiosyncratic lies!
I will not be weighed like so much meat.
My flesh has value and won’t accept defeat.
You cannot separate my fat from me.
You won’t get the best of me!**
I’m no more and no less human than you.
Yet you insist, “But I’m better than you!”
The fuck you are and the hell with your lot.
It’s my guts, my glory, my intestines without knots!
Keep your scalpels and calipers and body fat ratio machines.
Wanna know where you can stick your oversold thin fantasy?
Nothing tastes as good as a free mind feels.
But you’ll never know when you’re stuck on their hamster wheels!
I smile a thoughtful smile, wider than my hips.
I love with my whole self, not a smaller version of what you sell as “health.”
I won’t sit or back away quietly.
I’m far too busy fighting for equality!
So yell if you must, from your trucks, cars and bikes.
I’ll keep on keepin’ on, stepping up to bullhorns and mics!
We are fat! We are free! We have pride and can be healthy!
Stop with the judgment. End all the shame!
Our bodies and minds are not playing that game!


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