New Sewing Video: How to sew sleeves in 14 minutes!

In this video I sew a sleeve on my cute zombie-lagoon tiki dress, with sailor collar (unveiled soon!)
It's a basic short sleeve without darts, and a typical amount of sleeve cap ease that needs to be worked in.
When I do sleeves, I have a regimen that I follow, and I pretty much found this is what works for me. I am pretty detailed about what and where I pin first in the video, I am sure it's just moi who sews sleeves like this, but hey it works!

Sleeves were the most EVIL thing EVAR for me to learn to sew. I wish I had a video like this to help moi when I started out! They are just a pain in the ass and even the one I sewed in the video I went back and made a small fix to!
But there are some tips and things in this video to help out beginning sewers with sleeves. I do plan on showing how I adjust my sleeve pattern for my big sexah arms in another video, so stay tuned!

*Yes I went blonde =-D It's a ash blonde on top and a reddish color underneath.



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