I have come to this conclusion (that might piss you off)

...that fat girls should NOT go shopping with skinny girls for the following reasons:

(please do not take this as insulting or putting down skinny women in any way. I am upset with retailers/designers/clothing lines  for making it so we have to shop in separate stores and create the awkward scenarios I experience in the below content. I love people every shape and size and color. This is not about you: It's about the system)

1. The stores do NOT sell your size!  So looking at clothes is just annoying and a constant reminder that you will never be able to shop at that store. EVAR. Face it Mama. Just walk away.You NEVER would have even gone in there if it weren't for your friend and you know it.

2. Sales girls who ask you "are you finding everything ok?" WTF, NO LOOK AT ME! NO! I AM NOT WHERE IS MY SIZE!!!

(breath, breath, ok ok)

3. There is never anything as awesome as this:
4. You watch them pay $80 for a pair of shorts that is made with 1/3 of a yard of material. *face palm*

5. There is never any couch or chair to wait on while they are in the dressing room. So you are just standing in a sea of disappointment while your feet hurt.

Thank You. That is all



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