I am so mad I could poo in my pants!!! where is my handmade dress??!!

Remember my post about this awesome 50s shirtwaist dress I made for a swap?


I am waiting one more week to see if it miraculously shows up, because I have seen in swaps where it shows up 2-3 weeks late.
I have tracking on it, and it says its in "transit" yeah right.
I mailed it in Centreville,VA it was trucked to Merrifield a literal distance of 15 miles,and then POOF!

I can't afford to make a whole new dress so I feel bad for her and will make something from my scraps after the grace period is over.
$50 of fabric and 3 weeks down the expressway!

Has this ever happened to yinz?

UPDATE: I filed an "investigation" with USPS and they give the results in 2 business days. Fingers Crossed.

psssst: check out the pictures my husband took of these HOT VINTAGE CARS! I love em!


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