Making a 40s Dress from a Modern Pattern; Part 3 Converting to a Button Front

This video will show you how I took Simplicity 2247 and changed it to be a BUTTON FRONT dress. 
I used another Simplicity pattern (3700) with an actual button front to make the alterations to my dress. You can use any old button front pattern to do this. All the second pattern is used for is to trace onto the existing pattern the extra room needed for the button front to overlap. Once the new overlap- piece is added, and the dress is buttoned up, the center fronts of your dress will line up exactly as they are on the original pattern, keeping the V neckline. TAHDAH!
It's pretty simple! 
Feel free to ask questions!!

Summary of steps:
1. Locate a secondary button front pattern piece for tracing
2. Locate the center front of your pattern
3.  Line up the two pattern pieces Center front markers
4. Draw in the extra material (for me it was about 1.25") needed for the button overlap onto your pattern
5. Use the secondary pattern to mark button holes down your center front marker (my buttons are spaced  3.25" inches apart)
6. Make a facing to finish the new edges of the front by tracing your pattern edge and extending it out about 4 inches. Include your existing neck facing too!


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