Finished Project: The Route 66 Dress

 I was at Joanne Fabrics last week and spotted this cute Route 66 Fabric by Alexander Henry. 
I bought some green bottomweight linen and made the Route 66 Dress
A car on my booboids

 It's my standard pattern that is identical to the Monster Dress I made. This time I made bottom hem ruffles and a big BOW!
A bird, a plane, NO it's SUPER PSYCHO!
I think I look hot in green!
For the ruffles I used my narrow hemmer foot and my ruffler foot. It was pretty easy once you got the tension and stitch width correct for the ruffler. I am sure it's not double fold hemmed in some spots because that narrow hem foot is a bastard, but if it starts to fray...hey I got a new bottle of fray check. LOL

Bows are easy to make! I can make a tutorial video for them...they are all over the internet though. I think bows are the cutest and old school cute and flirty!



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