Finished Project: The 50s Housewife Dress

Psycho Sue loves Polka Dots! Why? Because she learned her Grandma liked them. Enough Said. I know my dead Mema sews with me.  I sew on her sewing table and use her old buttons and zippers. She loved to sew and I miss her. Anyhoo. Here's the 50s Housewife Dress!
It's my pattern except for the neckline. I copied that from a 1950s Advance sewing pattern
A very tricky insert goes into the square neck. First you put the facing in the neckline and hand stitch it down, Then you put the insert in and hand stitch it down too. I did a row of topstitch instead. I think I spent 4 hours on this damn insert LOL
A lady in the fabric store made a big fuss over me and told me she liked my style, then asked if I was going any place special. "Nope, I dress like this every day!" Heeeehehehehe
My hair is rolled in a rat in the back with 2 rolls on top.
I kind of like this with a black belt better than the red belt.KA-RA-TAY!!!


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