Finished Project Simplicity 2247: THE NEWSPAPER DRESS

Whew, the video series where I made the muslin for this dress is at my you tube channel. I bought the fabric at J and O Fabrics online. Excuse the wrinkles, I wore it to work today!
I completely adore this pattern on me. It's an empire waist, princess seam, and totally HAWT. The shoes are by Crown Vintage. I really have to recommend them, they fit like a dream.
Oh yea. I bleached my hair. It's blonde on top and auburn on the bottom. I did a pin curl set that has relaxed to nice waves in the humidity.
I finished the hem with red lace hem tape by Wright's Notions. The sleeves are red cotton. They are shorter than the pattern designed. They do have 3 very cute pleats: ON on front, one at the shoulder seam, and one at the back. I love it!
I raised the neckline an inch from the original. I finished with a facing, But instead of turning all the way to the inside, I pressed it with some of the facing showing and then top stitched down. This creates a "faux piping" on the neckline and adds a pop of color.
The print has a nautical theme; adds for boat parts, and yacht clubs and such. It's super cute! and it's in my colors!


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